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Thursday, October 8, 2009

You Fucking Ungrateful Bitch!

Has anyone seen this Chase credit card commercial they play all the time?

This guy is all sweet and he asks his wife if she wants to go on a romantic vacation together using the points they've accumulated on their credit card, and she's like, no, we can't. And he's like, no, the points don't expire and blah blah blah. And again, she goes, nope, no can do. And he persists, explaining, seriously, we can use these points for pretty much anything. And then she goes, "I know," and looks down, with a raised eyebrow and sinister grin, at the new dress she's wearing, that she obviously purchased using the points he wanted to use for a vacation for the two of them, without even consulting with him.

But here's the kicker: then the guy smiles at her lovingly! Yeah fucking right!

Ooh! I found a link for it! See what I'm saying?!

1 comment:

  1. Hah, hilarious , and so true. I was thinking that when I first saw it - how backwards is that?? A card that encourages selfish behaviour and going behind your spouse's back. Nice one.
